To help us build the most effective community we invite you to complete or update your details below. You can revisit this link and update your details at any time.

If you wish to change the email address we have for you, please include that in the alternate email address field, which we will update accordingly.


If you have been forwarded this link and the details below are not yours, please exit this form and complete your details on this page instead.
About you
First Name*
Last Name*
Email address*
Phone Number (e.g. +44 1223 123456)
If you would like to change the email we use to contact you, please include the new email here. Many of our members find that using a personal email provides continuity of communication should you move positions.
Job Title
Career Stage
Job Function
Other job function (please specify)
Are you interested in being considered as an expert Contributor to one of our programmes in future?
If you selected yes above, please include a short professional biography. We will be reviewing these over the coming 6-8 months and will get back to you as soon as we can.
About your Organisation (where applicable)
Organisation name
Industry sector
Organisation website
Number of employees
About your interests

Please share the themes of CISL's work that are of interest to you.
Climate change
Policy and regulation
Cities and the built environment
Nature and biodiversity
Food and agriculture
Sustainable finance
Sustainable business
People and social justice
Sustainability start-ups
Keeping in touch with you
I am happy to be contacted by email*
I am happy to be contacted by phone*
Please keep ticked all of the types of communication you wish to continue to receive:
Details of upcoming programmes and events
Information on our research, reports and foresight
CISL's monthly newsletter
Information from CISL's regional ambassadors in my area

How we use your personal data:

The University of Cambridge will store your personal information in order to liaise with you as a consequence of your Network membership, to communicate with you regarding programmes and events which you have indicated you wish to be involved in, and to let you know about future events, research and news related to the CISL Network.

We do not share your personal information with any third parties outside the University of Cambridge, other than those who are responsible for delivering all or part of a group, initiative, or event, except with your explicit permission. At times, personal data may be sent, including internationally, via email and other platforms for the purposes of efficiency.

For further information on the use of your personal data, see